Responsible consumption and production in Belarus

The first independent Shadow Report on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in Belarus (SDG 12)
What has Belarus achieved in 5 years of work on sustainable development with regard to the Agenda 2030? What impedes the achievement of the SDG 12 targets? How do the government and society contribute to waste reduction, promote the principles of efficient use of resources and live in harmony with nature? We present to your attention the first civil society review on SDG 12 in Belarus (Shadow Report). It reflects the current situation, analyzes barriers and gives recommendations to the government, the non-profit sector and citizens on achieving SDG 12. The full version of the report also presents several leading projects and programs.
The review was prepared within the project "Sustainable Development Lab” of the Berlin-based NGO Dekabristen e. V. with the financial support of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with the Partnership Group for Sustainable Development of Belarus. The experts involved present a comprehensive assessment of the current situation in Belarus to ensure the transition to sustainable consumption and production, noting the overall positive tendency of the work on SDG 12 in the country. Results have been achieved especially in those areas where stakeholders from several sectors were involved in the process: the government, business, civil society and volunteers. The review points out that the Agenda 2030 to date has received insufficient support from the government and requires increased funding. The text presents the best joint programs and projects of civil society to promote responsible consumption, the principles of sharing economy, and the development of social entrepreneurship.

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