Innovative Russian NGOs

Nuzhna Pomosh / Help needed
The “Nuzhna Pomosh” (Help Needed) Foundation makes an important contribution to the systemic development of the non-profit sector in Russia. The foundation's platform analyses big data, making philanthropy clearer for donors and helping the non-profit sector to achieve its goals more effectively and professionally based on accurate data. Currently, the Foundation has built an ecosystem of products and services around it that focus on NGO development, knowledge sharing and innovative approaches for sustainable development, as well as the portal "Takie Dela" that promotes public awareness and engagement to address existing problems.
Vtoroe Dykhanie / Second Wind
The charitable foundation “Vtoroe Dykhanie” (Second Wind) is the ambassador of the movement against "fast fashion" in Russia and is involved in redistributing unwanted clothing in the following ways: charity giveaways at social centers, sale in second hand shops, and recycling textiles for reuse. The foundation aims to increase resource efficiency, reduce the amount of textile waste going to landfills, work with socially disadvantaged people, and form a society of conscious consumption.
Starost v Radost / Old Age in Joy
The "Starost v Radost" (Old Age in Joy) charitable foundation grew out of a volunteer movement and for 16 years has been creating a system of assistance for the elderly and disabled, combining the resources of society and the state. The Foundation works together with medical institutions, providing financial assistance for the purchase of the necessary equipment, and is also actively introducing a system of long-term care, building a universally accessible, modern system of care for the elderly and disabled.
Posadi Les / Plant a Forest
“Posadi Les” (Plant a Forest) is one of the most effective civic projects aimed at reducing deforestation and degradation of forest ecosystems. The project is a crowdfunding platform through which anyone can contribute to the restoration of forests and reduction of carbon footprint. The “Green Movement of Russia ECA” directs the donations collected to regions by organising annual volunteer tree planting events in areas where forest has been destroyed by fires, hurricanes or illegal logging.
The human rights media project OVDinfo was created as a response to the growing political repression in Russia. The project provides information and legal support to those detained at political rallies and demonstrations, coordinates the work of human rights volunteers, and carries out large-scale monitoring and analysis of the constitutional rights of Russian citizens.