Looking to the Agenda 2030

Monitoring and implementation of SDGs from a perspective of the civil societies in Eastern Europe and Germany. Discussion and presentations of the first Shadow Reports from Belarus on SDG 12 and Moldova on SDGs 7 and 13.

Online expert talk

21. September 2021, Zoom
14:00-16:00 (CET)
Report on the implementation of SDG 12 in Belarus
Evgeniy Lobanov | Environmental campaigner, formerly Center for Environmental Solutions, Minsk
Report on the implementation of SDG 7 and 13 in Moldova
Alexandru Lozinski, Evgheni Camenscic, Julian Gröger | EcoVisio, Chișinău
Nelya Rakhimova | Coalition for Sustainable Development in Russia
Eileen Roth | Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung
Gabriele Freitag | German Association for East European Studies
In 2015, the 193 member states of the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, creating a framework for global sustainability policy for the next 15 years. Belarus and Moldova have also committed to implementing the Sustainable Development Goals at national level. But what about the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in these countries? What progress has been made, where is potential for improvement? These questions were examined for the first time in 2020/2021 in independent civil society reports (so-called Shadow Reports): in Belarus on the topic of responsible consumption (SDG 12) and in Moldova on sustainable energy (SDG 7) and climate (SDG 13). The reports are intended to inform the public and provide recommendations for both government and administration as well as civil society on how to achieve the 2030 Agenda.

We invite you to join the online expert talk "Looking to the Agenda 2030” to discuss the presented results of the reports as well as their methodology, the process of elaboration and their integration into the 2030 Agenda. We will also focus on how civil society can be strengthened in the monitoring process and what resources and exchange opportunities are needed.